What is java and why it is important ? why engineer choose this language see this post for more information


Career Scope

Java is a general-purpose computer programming language that is concurrent, class-based, object-oriented, and specifically designed to have as few implementation dependencies as possible. It is intended to let application developers “

write once, run anywhere”.


JAVA programming multi-platform support language and support for web-services.

If a student is planning to build a career in web technology, then learning JAVA will be highly beneficial in terms of job opportunities and salary package offered. After getting trained in JAVA, students can get the jobs directly as there is huge demand of the JAVA professionals.

From our experience, learning JAVA is best accomplished by doing. Accordingly, the course includes live demos and extensive individual lab work.

1st Module : CORE JAVA
  1. » Basics of Java
  2. » OOPS Conecpts
  3. » String Handling
  4. » Exception Handling
  5. » Nested Classes
  6. » Multithreading
  7. » Synchronization
  8. » Exception Handling
  9. » Input and output
  10. » Serialization
  11. » Networking
  12. » AWT and EventHandling
  13. » Swing
  14. » LayoutManagers
  15. » Applet
  16. » Reflection API
  17. JDBC
2nd Module : ADVANCE JAVA
  1. » Basics of Servlet
  2. » ServletRequest
  3. » Servlet Collaboration
  4. » ServletConfig
  5. » ServletContext
  6. » Attribute
  7. » Session Tracking
  8. » Event and Listener
  9. » Filter
  10. » Basics of JSP
  11. » Scripting elements
  12. » 9 Implicit Objects
  13. » Directive Elements
  14. » Exception Handling
  15. » Action Elements
  16. » MVC in JSP
C ourse

 3 Months
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