Angular Career Scope, Angular Syllabus why it is important and how to use it

Angular Career Scope


Angular is a platform that makes it easy to build application with the web. It helps developers to build applications that live on the web, mobile, or the desktop.

Traditional way of building applications with web takes too much time. To reduce this development time , Angular is the best technology to adopt.

As you pass out school and become a University student, you can start learning Angular after you learn HTML, css and basics of JavaScript. If you are an IT student, it is not hard for you to learn Angular if you know the concepts of OOPs. The day when you start learning Angular, ideas about Web Application Technology comes directly to your mind.

To learn Angular you need to learn HTML, CSS and basics of JavaScript . Knowledge of OOPs concept is Mandatory to learn Angular.


1st Module: Module 1
  1. » Introduction
  2. » Environment Setup
  3. » Overview
2nd Module: Module 2
  1. » Modules
  2. » Architecture
  3. » Components
  4. » Templates
  5. » Directives
  6. » Metadata
  7. » Data Binding
  8. » Practices Exercise
3rd Module: Module 3
  1. » CRUD Operations Using HTTP
  2. » Routing
  3. » Navigation
  4. » Forms
  5. » Practices Exercise
4th Module: Module 4
  1. » Dependency Injection
  2. » Advanced Configuration
  3. » Data Display
  4. » Handling Events
  5. » Transforming Data
  6. » Custom Pipes
  7. » Practices Exercise
5th Module: Module 5
  1. » User Input
  2. » Lifecycle Hooks
  3. » Nested Containers
  4. » Services
  5. » Practices Exercise

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