Boost Your Development Workflow: The Easy Way to Create a Release Branch and Tag in GitHub

You can create a new release branch and tag it in GitHub without checking out the branch locally using the following steps:

  1. Go to your repository on GitHub and click on the “Branch” dropdown button.
  2. Type in the name of your new release branch, for example release-v2.0.0, in the “Create new branch” field and hit enter.
  3. GitHub will automatically create a new branch for you based on the current state of the main branch.
  4. Next, go to the file that contains the version number (such as package.json) and click on the “Edit” button to make changes to the file.
  5. Update the version number to the new version you want to release (e.g. 2.0.0) and click on the “Commit changes” button to save your changes to the new release branch.
  6. If you’ve made changes in other branches that you want to include in the release, you can use the “Create pull request” button to merge those changes into the new release branch.
  7. Once you’ve added all the changes you want to include in the new release, click on the “Releases” tab at the top of the repository page.
  8. Click on the “Draft a new release” button to create a new release.
  9. Enter the tag name (e.g. v2.0.0) and select the release branch (e.g. release-v2.0.0) from the dropdown menus.
  10. Add a title and description for your release, and attach any relevant assets such as binaries or documentation.
  11. Once you’re done, click on the “Publish release” button to create the new release and tag it in GitHub.
  12. Now, it’s time to merge the release branch into the main branch by you can use the “Create pull request” button to merge release to the master.

That’s it! You’ve successfully created a new release branch and tag in GitHub without checking out the branch locally.

  • “Streamline Your Release Process: How to Create a Release Branch and Tag in Git with Ease”
  • “No More Clutter: How to Create a Release Branch and Tag in GitHub Without Checking Out Locally”
  • “Take Your Code to the Next Level: The Ultimate Guide to Creating a Release Branch and Tag in Git”
  • “Rev Up Your Development Cycle: Creating a Release Branch and Tag in Git for Effortless Version Control”
  • “Boost Your Development Workflow: The Easy Way to Create a Release Branch and Tag in GitHub”
  • “Simplify Your Release Management: How to Create a Release Branch and Tag in Git Like a Pro”
  • “Stop Worrying About Version Control: Creating a Release Branch and Tag in GitHub in No Time”
  • “Ready to Release? The Quick and Easy Guide to Creating a Release Branch and Tag in Git”
  • “Git Your Release Strategy on Track: How to Create a Release Branch and Tag Like a Boss”
  • “The No-Fuss Guide to Creating a Release Branch and Tag in GitHub Without Checking Out Locally”.
  • Release with Confidence: A Beginner’s Guide to Creating a Release Branch and Tag using Github

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