Wipro Elite NLTH Aptitude Test Questions

Wipro Elite NLTH Syllabus

Wipro Elite Aptitude Questions

This article covers questions related to topics such as probability,speed and distance, algebra, equations, progressions, profit and loss and ratios.
You can go through the following sample questions to make yourself ready for Wipro Elite Placement Test
Directions for questions 1 to 8: Choose the correct options.
1. A bag contains 14 yellow balls, 5 red balls and 8 green balls. 3 balls are drawn at random one by one. Find out the probability of drawing all 5 yellow balls without replacement.
a)  5/27
b) 14C5/27C5
c) (14/27) x (13/26) x (12/25) x (11/24) x (10/24)
d) 5/(27 x 26 x 25)
Total number of balls = 14+5+8 = 27
First yellow ball drawing probability = total yellow balls/total balls = 14/27
Second yellow ball = (total yellow balls – 1) /(total balls – 1) = 13/26 (As we have already drawn a yellow ball in first turn)
Third Yellow balls = (total yellow balls – 2) / (total balls – 2) = 12/25 and so on
So, probability of drawing 5 yellow balls without replacement=(14/27) x (13/26) x (12/25) x (11/24) x (10/24)
Therefore, correct answer is Option C
2. There are two packets for butter available in market.
Packet A: 200 grams of butter for rupee 124
Packet b: 250 grams of butter for rupee 155
Which is a better deal?
a) Packet A
b) Packet B
c) Both have same value
d) Data insufficient
Packet A: 200 gms = 124 => 1 gms = 124/200
50 gms = (124*50)/200 = Rs. 31
Packet B: 250 gms = 155 => 1 gms = 155/250
50 gms = (155*50)/250 = 31
So, both the options have same value.
Therefore, the correct answer is Option C
3. 14 men can complete a work in 25 days. How many men are required to complete the same work in 15 days? Approximation is accepted
a) 22
b) 24
c) 23
d) 25
Let suppose the work done = number of men * days = 14 * 25 = 350 units
So, number of men required to complete word in 15 days = Total work/number of days = 350/15 = 23.333 ~ 24
Therefore, the correct answer is Option B
4. If X=4 and Y = 12, What is the value of (X+Y)^(Y/X) ?
a) 526
b) 1024
c) 8009
d) 4096
(X+Y)^(Y/X) = 16^3 = 4096
Therefore, the correct answer is Option D
5. 80 litres of salt and water mixture contains 75% salt. Find out the amount of water required to be added to decrease the percentage of salt to 40%.
a) 70 litres
b) 75 litres
c) 80 litres
d) 65 litres
Amount of Salt in 80 litres = 0.75*80 = 60 litres
Now, to decrease the amount of salt in water, let suppose we add X litre of water in the solution
=> 0.4 (X+80) = 60 => 0.4X + 32 = 60
=> 0.4 X= 28 → X = 70 litres
Therefore, the correct answer is Option A

6. The selling price of 10 apples is equal to cost price of 11 apples. Find out the profit/loss percentage.
a) 10% loss
b) 10% profit
c) 100/11% profit
d) 100/11% loss
Let the cost price of an apple = X
Selling price of an apple = Y, As per question → 10 Y = 11 X => Y = (11/10) * X
Profit percentage = [(Selling Price –Cost Price) *100]/Cost Price = [(1.1X-X)*100]/X = 10% profit
Therefore, the correct answer is Option B
7. If the 10th term of an AP is 49 and 14th term of the same AP is 69. Find out first term.
a) 3
b) 6
c) 5
d) 4
Let first term be aand common difference be d.
Now, a + 9d = 49 and a + 13d = 69, on solving these equations
a = 4 and d = 5.
Therefore, the correct answer is Option D


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