Import Google contacts with PHP or Javascript using Google Contacts API and OAUTH 2.0
Google Contacts API is a RESTful web service that can be used by developers to integrate contact management into their applications. It provides a way to read and write data in users’ Google Contacts accounts on behalf of the user. For example, an application can read all of the contacts in a user’s account and offer them for export as CSV or vCard files. The application can also create new contacts on behalf of the user, update existing ones, delete unwanted ones, and even send email messages from those accounts.
OAUTH 2.0 is an authorization framework that allows users to share private data without having to share passwords or other credentials with third-party applications such as this one. It uses tokens generated by the server for every request it sends back to the client so that only authorized requests are accepted by the server and sent.
There are many reasons why an individual would want to import contacts from their Gmail account. Some people want to import their contacts in order to keep them in sync across all of their devices. Others may want to import their contacts because they are switching from one email service provider to another, and they want to make sure that all of their contacts will be available on the new email service. The Google Contacts API can be used with either PHP or Javascript, so it should not be difficult for developers to integrate into their applications.