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LightGallery Javascript

Beautiful picture and video galleries may be made with the lightweight, modular JavaScript library lightGallery for both the web and mobile devices. Features Supported by lightgallery completely responsive.built-in plugins and a modular design.very well suited to touch-based devices.Desktops that enable mouse drag.Double-click or double-tap the image to see it in its full size.animated thumbnails.sharing online.YouTube…

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In this module I have learnt about Developer Console , In this module I have created some classes and insert some records like add new user details is contact standard object, And after this fetch the details, by SOQL and SOSL query and debug or print the inserted user details and many more…..

Developer Console Basics MODULE | Get to know the Salesforce web-based integrated development environment (IDE) In this module I have learnt about Developer Console , In this module I have created some classes and insert some records like add new user details is contact standard object, And after this fetch the details, by SOQL and…

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